Geographic Location:
Warriors Mark Township is the northern boundary of Huntingdon County and borders both Blair and Centre Counties.
Warriors Mark Township covers 29.45 square miles.
2000 Census Demographics:
1,635 Persons
811 Male
824 Female
Median Age:
37 years
2010 Census:
According to the 2010 Census information, Warriors Mark Township has experienced a 9.8% population growth rate, bringing the Township population to 1,796. To view additional Census information, click here.
Voting Poll Location:
Warriors Mark-Franklin Fire Hall
4571 Fire House Rd.
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
For additional information regarding the polling location or voting, contact the Huntingdon County Voter Registration Office at 814-643-3091.
Township Office:
Located at the rear of the Warriors Mark-Franklin Fire Hall at 4571 Fire House Rd. Open by appointment only! Call 814-632-7223 for appointment.
Township mailing address:
PO Box 114
Warriors Mark, PA 16877-0114
Township telephone #:
Township Fax #:
– Warriors Mark Township is a member of the Huntingdon County Council of Governments.
– Warriors Mark Township is a proponent of inter-governmental cooperation, whenever possible, to carry out mutual interests in a unified form.