Township Staff
Township Staff are all part-time employees with limited office hours.
The Regular hours shown below are at the Township Office located to the rear of the Warriors Mark Fire Hall at 4571 Fire House Road, Warriors Mark, PA 16877. Other hours can be scheduled by appointment as necessary.
Sonja Malvoisin, Township Secretary, Saturday from 8-10 AM. Office phone: 814-632-7223 or email:
Machelle Reese, Sewage Records Management. Office phone: 814-632-7223; Cell phone: 814-889-5932 or email at:
Dave Piper: Permits, Zoning, Subdivision, Township Highway Occupancy Matters, Tuesday from 7-8 PM. Dave’s phone # is 814-571-2285. (Please note that on the 1st Tuesday of the month Dave Piper’s office hours coincide with the regular scheduled Township Board of Supervisors Monthly Meeting. For a meeting with Dave on the 1st Tuesday, it is recommended that you preschedule same for everyone’s convenience.)
Kasey Snell: Sewage Enforcement Officer. Cell number: 717-501-6729; email:
These Saturday and Tuesday hours are the normal staff hours unless noted otherwise on the first page of the Township’s website under “Public Notices”. Public Notices are also posted on the bulletin board outside the Township Office. Additional Staff contact information can be found on the Website, left column, near the bottom of the page under “Contact Information”.