Township Supervisors
Monthly Public Meetings
6:30 PM, 1st Tuesday
Warriors Mark Fire Hall
4571 Fire House Road
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
Warriors Mark Township Board of Supervisors, January Re-Organization and Regular January Meetings.
In accordance with The Second Class Township Code, Section 602, the Warriors Mark Township Board of Supervisors January 2021 Re-Organization Meeting will convene on the 1st Monday in January; January 4th for 2021. The Re-Organization Meeting will take place at 2:00 PM, at the Warriors Mark Fire Hall, 4571 Fire House Road, Warriors Mark, PA 16877.
At 2:30 PM, following the Re-Organization Meeting, the regular January Monthly Meeting of the Warriors Mark Board of Supervisor’s will convene at the same location.
For the remainder of the year 2021, all Regular Monthly Meeting of the Warriors Mark Township Board of Supervisor’s are scheduled to take place as follows:
February through December Monthly Public Meetings
6:30 PM, 1st Tuesday
Warriors Mark Fire Hall
4571 Fire House Road
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
L. Stewart Neff
4124 Warriors Mark Path
P.O. Box 152
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
phone: 632-5221 email:
Vice Chairman
Peter C. Liese
1732 Arbutus Lane
P.O. Box 247
Warriors Mark, PA 16877
phone: 215-327-5482 email:
Supervisor/Assistant Treasurer
Brian Hockenberry
2135 Pennington Road
Tyrone, PA 16686
phone: 814-919-2131 (home) 814-280-2505 (cell)
Role of Supervisors
The board of supervisors plays the central role in township government. Article 15 of the Second Class Township Code places general supervisors of the affairs of the township in the hands of the board of supervisors. Supervisors combine many of the roles found in separated branches or levels of the state and federal governments. The board serves as the legislative body of the township, setting policy, enacting ordinances and resolutions, adopting budgets and levying taxes. Since there is no separately elected executive, the board also performs executive functions such as formulating the budget, enforcing ordinances, approving expenditures, and hiring employees. Although some townships have hired managers, most use the township secretary for general administrative purposes; in many townships supervisors play a large role in administrative activities, overseeing the day-to-day operation of township government. Because the Code allows supervisors to also be employed by the township, many supervisors spend a significant amount of their time working on the township roads, performing the duties of the secretary or treasurer or other authorized duties.
Because of the supervisor’s elected status, an individual in that position is often looked to as a community leader. Certainly supervisors are the proper recipients of complaints, ideas and suggestions concerning township affairs. In many cases, the supervisor is called upon to perform as a problem solver, acting as an agent for township citizens with outside agencies or private firms. The supervisor has a role in representing the township’s communal interests, past, present and future. Although assisted by a planning commission, paid administrator or historical commission, many of the final decisions must be made by the elected officials.
The extent of any one supervisor’s activities in these roles will be defined by the individual’s own view of civic responsibilities, particular fields of individual interest and personal skills and talents. To a large degree the supervisor’s role is also defined by the local political culture, the generalized local attitudes toward municipal government and commonly-held expectations of how officials will operate.